Who we are
We offer people many different ways to encounter the Bible and we support Bible distribution in Austria and around the world.

We inform about the Bible
As the Austrian Bible Society we give information about the content, history and importance of the Bible as well as its message as the foundation of the Christian faith. This happens through presentations in churches, institutions of education, exhibitions and various publications.
Numerous school groups visit the Bible Centre at the Vienna Museum Quarter to receive both visually and didactically well prepared information about the Bible. The Austrian Bible Society is also the place to find a Bible in different languages.
We support Bible projects in Austria and around the world

Camille Safar/Bibelgesellschaft im Libanon
To enable that the message of the Bible reaches people in different situations, the Austrian Bible Society supports Bible projects in Austria and around the world by asking for donations.
In Austria we provide free Bibles to prisoners, refugees and people in detention centres in their own language.
As part of the United Bible Societies we support Bible translation and distribution around the world.
We work together with the Christian Churches

Jacek Dylag/Unsplash
We work together with as many Christian churches and communities as possible to bring the Bible to the people. The Bible unites Christians from different traditions, backgrounds and denominations. We also cooperate with various educational and cultural institutions as well as media to make the Bible known in public.
Made possible by donations
The work of the Austrian Bible Society as well as all the different activities in the Bible Centre located in Vienna is made possible by donations. We thank all individuals and churches who support our work with their donations and prayer.